Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home Improvement Tips That Can Save You Time And Money

You know what homeowners can learn from the Boy Scouts? Their motto, which is to always be prepared. I'm going to help get you started. Below is a list of tips that can save you time and money when it comes to making repairs around your house or improving it. Keep them in a safe place and refer to them when needed.

- Go for flooring that installs quickly. There are a number of flooring finishes that can be very quick to install, including bamboo, wood, cork, wall-to-wall carpeting, and sheet vinyl and linoleum. These will allow the floor to be rapidly set into place within a small period of time. Especially when compared with slower installations such as ceramic tile.

- Don't go cheap on your carpet underlay. A carpet is only as good as its underlay. Even if you have obtained the best quality carpet available on the market, if you don't have it installed with a great under-padding, it will not feel as nice nor will it wear as well. Lengthen the life of your carpet and save money over time by picking out a great underlay product.

- Scan your house to uncover where it's leaking heat (or cool air). Use an infrared scanner or thermal radiometer to discover where your home is losing the most heat. Scan over the walls, floors, ceilings, windows, and other areas to discover the areas that are the hottest and also the coldest. This will help you find out where changes have to be made.

- Line up the lighting evenly. As you create your design for your home restoration, factor the lighting fixture set up into your layout to ensure that it comes out evenly throughout the house. It is important to focus on the inner areas of your home that don't have as much exposure to natural light from windows.

- Create your basement bottom plates out of a treated 2x4. Even if you make use of metal studs in your basement, use bottom plates made out of treated wood as they will not soak up the floor's moisture as standard wood 2x4s would. When using metal studs, simply screw the bottom track into the wood. This way, attaching the base molding will be a much easier project because you'll be able to nail it in. To attach the treated 2x4 to your concrete floor, use a "powder activated tool".

- Utilize a razor blade to remove dried paint drips. When you discover paint drips or splatters on glass or tile, make use of a razor blade to get rid of them. They will take off the paint cleanly without smearing it, leaving a smooth surface behind with no leftover paint. This is easier and more eco-friendly than a paint solvent.

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